Friday, August 29, 2014

Where did summer go? + a $1 Flash Sale!

Well, I'm officially 13 days into the new school year and am still trying to get used to my new normal.  The fact that I've spent literally almost every prep I've had compiling data, filling out paperwork, and talking to other staff members regarding students in my class has been overwhelming and exhausting. By the time the end of the day rolls around and the kids are gone, there are staff development meetings, parent night, and to be real, just mommy duties that are calling.  I feel like I've gotten nothing done and am being worked to the bone.  This is the stuff they don't teach you about in college.  At least not at Purdue.

Overall, I think I've got a good class.  I've got a few kiddos that are still trying to find their listening ears and others that I have to stand by quite frequently, but hopefully we will find those for them soon. If not, I fear I'll have no hair by the end of the first quarter.

I've been pretty honest about not being ready to be back at school this year.  I had a little too much fun relaxing in our new house here in the country, with this little cutie patootie.

We also enjoyed sleeping in until almost 9 o'clock every day.  Yes folks, I've been blessed with a child who loves to sleep in just as much as I do.  I think going back to school and getting up early again was just as much as a shell shock for her as it was me.  The bad part is, she was still going to bed at 9 at the latest throughout the summer. My average bedtime averaged around 2 am.  I'm definitely a night owl.  Hence this...

This is how we felt the first morning back...she was not a happy girl when I woke her up 2 hours earlier than our summer wake up time.

Anyways, I'm still trying to get some classroom pictures to give you all a sneak peek of my home away from home but I keep forgetting.  Maybe I'll remember to snap a couple when I go in tomorrow to drop some things off.

In the meantime, the Indiana teacher bloggers are back at it.  We are throwing a $1 flash sale Saturday and Sunday!  I've marked down some of my personal favorites in my store for the little shindig.  There may or may not be a couple of other items marked down in my store for $1, but you'll have to do some searching of your own to find them!

I hope you find some goodies that you can use in your classroom, and please feel free to share on your pages and/or blogs!  There are certainly quite a few great things to grab.  My girl Whitney, aka The CraZy Schoolteacher, has some awesome products marked down for a STEAL!

Enjoy your long 3 day weekend! I know I am looking forward to NO alarm and some sleeping in!


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