Sunday, January 20, 2013

Open for Business

I have officially opened a TPT store!

I'm not sure what I expect out of it, but I have considered doing it for awhile now.  I guess I finally thought why not? It's not going to hurt anything. I only have 3 freebies up right now, but plan on getting some things put together to sell within the next week or two.

This is a whole new world for me, so I'm proceeding with caution and want to make sure that I give the correct credit and where credit is due.

Please go to my TPT store and enjoy some freebies! My favorite is More Supplies Please.  Since I created this form it has changed my life by making it so much easier to send a quick note home when one of my kiddos is in need of more supplies.  I would say that 9 times out of 10, the supplies are there within 2-3 days.

Click the picture to go straight to your freebie.

Resolutions & Snowmen

We have officially been back from winter break for a week now.  Last week we jumped right back into things learning about three letter s-blends, contractions, and character and setting. 

The kids had a blast learning about contractions.  It may or may not be because they were surgeons!! Yes-we did the Contraction Surgery from the wonderful Cara Carroll over at The First Grade Parade.  The kids LOVED.IT! It's amazing what the power of a Band-Aid can do for student motivation. You would have thought I had given them a million bucks! Needless to say I will be doing this one every year.

I had seen a snowflake snowman decoration for a door on Pinterest and was dying to do it with my kids.  They had it as part of their morning work our first Monday back. Bad decision. I forgot how little they know about folding and not knowing how to actually cut paper to make it look like a snowflake.  Definitely one I should have explained the afternoon before. Oh well-we live and learn right.  Sad part is this is something I already knew and just totally spaced. I guess my brain was still on winter break.  Despite my mistakes, they turned out amazing and I'm SO proud of our little door snowman made out of their unique little snowflakes.

We also talked about the new year and resolutions.  I always love hearing their resolutions because they always get it or they don't.  Some of my kiddos were completely on track and others were clear in left field picking dandelions. After our discussion, they each had to pick their own resolution and write about it.  I must admit that I had some of the most honest and interesting resolutions this year.  Here are two of my favorites-the second one hit the nail literally on. the. head.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Starting a New Adventure

Welcome to Firstie Kidoodles!

My name is Brandy Withers and I teach 1st grade at Cumberland Elementary School in West Lafayette, IN.  This is my 3rd year teaching 1st grade and my 5th year overall teaching.  I hope that this blog can be helpful in some way! Please be patient with me as I learn the ropes of online blogging.

Thanks for sharing this journey with m