Wednesday, January 7, 2015

There's "SNOW" Better Time for a $1 Sale!

Well...let's hope that this is not the return of the Polar Vortex that we came to know so well last year.  We had our first snow day yesterday due to the 5-6 inches of snow we got last night and we have a two hour delay today.  What's better to do on a snow day than go your sweats...from the comfort of your own home?  That's where the Indiana teacher bloggers come in with yet another $1 sale.  There are tons of great products marked down to just one dollar for the next two days.  Be sure to hop along to each of the products to get some great steals.

Here is what I've marked down for the next two days.  If you're new to my blog I would love it if you would follow my blog and TPT store.  Thanks for visiting my little ole blog and happy shopping! I know I'll be getting some steals!


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