Sunday, January 20, 2013

Open for Business

I have officially opened a TPT store!

I'm not sure what I expect out of it, but I have considered doing it for awhile now.  I guess I finally thought why not? It's not going to hurt anything. I only have 3 freebies up right now, but plan on getting some things put together to sell within the next week or two.

This is a whole new world for me, so I'm proceeding with caution and want to make sure that I give the correct credit and where credit is due.

Please go to my TPT store and enjoy some freebies! My favorite is More Supplies Please.  Since I created this form it has changed my life by making it so much easier to send a quick note home when one of my kiddos is in need of more supplies.  I would say that 9 times out of 10, the supplies are there within 2-3 days.

Click the picture to go straight to your freebie.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the world of blogging Brandy! I'll head over and check out your TPT store . :)
    Sarah's First Grade Snippets
