Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Huge Birthday Giveaway

Let's face it. We're teachers. We love a good deal.  We love a good sale.  We love to shop.  We love free stuff.  Well yesterday was Laura at Love to Teach's birthday.  She is throwing a huge birthday celebration and giveaway over at her blog until Friday night.  And I mean HUGE!

To start off she's giving away a $30 TPT gift card along with some pre-selected packs and some winner's choice selections from 19 bloggers!!   My Suncatchers {The Bundle} is one of the products that you can win as part of her large pack of TPT giveaway items.  There are tons of great products from those 19 bloggers.

But that's not it. She's also giving away away a $75 gift card to Target AND another $75 gift card to Amazon!!! HOLY. SMOKES. BATMAN! Who wouldn't want to win this giveaway?! I know I do.

You can earn up to 50 entries between now and Friday so be sure to click here to head over to her blog.

I've been in a groove lately and have been able to get quite a few "creations" for TPT checked off of my To Do list.  Here are some new products that have been added to my store lately that I haven't had a chance to blog about yet. I'm hoping to do so posts on each one here soon.  

First up, Autograph Bookmarks.  I created these to hold my firsties more accountable for their independent and buddy reading time during Daily 5.   I have them write the book titles that they've read on the front or I just have them record who they've been reading to during Read to Someone time on both sides.  There 5 different color versions and those versions are also in black and white.  I have one template of lines if you want to make the bookmarks two-sided to last longer.  

I just finished this baby last night.  I LOVE this pack! I love the displays that you can create with the variety of printables in it, but more importantly I love the meaning behind it all. Gives me chills just thinking about it.  I know it's a little late to do this pack this year, but it's still 48 hours new so it's still 50% off for the next day.  Get ready for next year for only $2.00.

There are honor bricks that you can send home with your kiddos about a week before Veteran's Day.  They can fill these out with their families at home for the veterans that they know.  You can send home a general "brick" or a specific brick for each branch of service, with or without a picture. Once the kids bring them back in you can hang them in the hallway as a display or mount on butcher paper to make a large poster.  There are picture cards to graph how many veterans from each branch that your class knows, as well as posters and information sheets for each branch.  If you want to give some fun facts about each branch of service there is a poster and fun fact sheet to share with the kids. Finally, the kids can color their own American Flag, USA, and Thank You sheets that again can be mounted to butcher paper and/or staggered on the wall to make a "quilt-like" display.

These Rainbow Cart Labels have made it so much easier for my firsties to find their Daily 5 choices.  

I have also added a monthly spelling pretest and test packet for 10 spelling words.  I copy the pretest on the back of the test to save on paper and just keep them in a special place until week take the test the following week.

Finally, I think it's safe to say that we all love Mo Willems and that ornery little pigeon.  I made a little craftivity pack for my firsties to make the pigeon, a "Don't Let the Pigeon ____" class book, as well as a labeling and graphing activity.

Sorry for the overload, but it's been awhile since I actually sat down and dedicated some time to a blog post.  Until next time...

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Wordless Wednesday

I'm so excited to be linking up with Miss DeCarbo for my second Wordless Wednesday!

I co-teach with The Crazy Schoolteacher. She's supposed to find out what she's having today... The classes predicted a boy. What's your prediction? #hopingforagirlbutitsprobablyaboy