Having said that, I've created a couple of things that have been added to my TPT store over the last couple of weeks. First up is a Roll & Write pack specifically for the 1st grade Nat Geo Reach for Reading high frequency words each week. You know these little dice...
Well I started using them last year for Roll & Write activities and I fell. in. love. with them! The best part-SO DID THE KIDDOS! Roll & Write quickly became one of their favorite station activities. The pack includes word cards with each of the high frequency words from the series that will fit perfectly into these die. Simply print, laminate, and cut and you're ready to go! This pack wouldn't be complete without the recording sheet, so I included that too. It's in my TPT store for $3.50. Click the picture below to see more.
Next up, a homework binder. I have struggled with keeping track of student homework every year! I'm hoping this is the key to my problem. I now have a binder, known as the homework binder that will be beside my desk everyday. As I pass back student homework each day, I can quickly tell who did and did not do their homework. Those students who do not complete their homework will have to put their name in the homework binder for that week. The student will also have to put what the assignment was and why it was not completed. It is the student's responsibility to get the homework completed at some point throughout the day {more than likely during lunch recess}. Once the homework is completed and checked by me, the student may highlight their name in the binder showing that they completed and turned in the work. This will be great to have as a reference at conferences to show parents. I'm really hoping as great in "real life" as it does in my mind. It is for sale for $2.50 in my TPT store. Click the picture below to check it out!
And last, but not least, Math Fact BANG! Just like my Nat Geo vocab. word BANG!, I have created a math set for both addition and subtraction facts. I am really looking forward to using these as part of our math stations this year! I'm sure the kids will love them just as much as they love the vocabulary version. Simply print the facts on some Avery labels, apply the labels to the large popsicle sticks, and put them in a container. Instant math fact practice at your kiddo's fingertips. They are both in my TPT for $2.50 each. Click the pictures to get to each product.
Well folks, it's off to bed for this girl. I'm hoping to get a little time in my classroom tomorrow morning while the hubs is smoking some pork loins for our nephew's birthday party tomorrow afternoon. We'll see if that actually happens. To end on a good note, next Friday at this time we will be leaving to head to Florida for a week. I. CAN'T. WAIT!!!!
P.S. Don't forget to follow me through Google or BlogLovin'! I'm considering a giveaway of any item in my store once I hit 15 followers!