Friday, August 29, 2014

Where did summer go? + a $1 Flash Sale!

Well, I'm officially 13 days into the new school year and am still trying to get used to my new normal.  The fact that I've spent literally almost every prep I've had compiling data, filling out paperwork, and talking to other staff members regarding students in my class has been overwhelming and exhausting. By the time the end of the day rolls around and the kids are gone, there are staff development meetings, parent night, and to be real, just mommy duties that are calling.  I feel like I've gotten nothing done and am being worked to the bone.  This is the stuff they don't teach you about in college.  At least not at Purdue.

Overall, I think I've got a good class.  I've got a few kiddos that are still trying to find their listening ears and others that I have to stand by quite frequently, but hopefully we will find those for them soon. If not, I fear I'll have no hair by the end of the first quarter.

I've been pretty honest about not being ready to be back at school this year.  I had a little too much fun relaxing in our new house here in the country, with this little cutie patootie.

We also enjoyed sleeping in until almost 9 o'clock every day.  Yes folks, I've been blessed with a child who loves to sleep in just as much as I do.  I think going back to school and getting up early again was just as much as a shell shock for her as it was me.  The bad part is, she was still going to bed at 9 at the latest throughout the summer. My average bedtime averaged around 2 am.  I'm definitely a night owl.  Hence this...

This is how we felt the first morning back...she was not a happy girl when I woke her up 2 hours earlier than our summer wake up time.

Anyways, I'm still trying to get some classroom pictures to give you all a sneak peek of my home away from home but I keep forgetting.  Maybe I'll remember to snap a couple when I go in tomorrow to drop some things off.

In the meantime, the Indiana teacher bloggers are back at it.  We are throwing a $1 flash sale Saturday and Sunday!  I've marked down some of my personal favorites in my store for the little shindig.  There may or may not be a couple of other items marked down in my store for $1, but you'll have to do some searching of your own to find them!

I hope you find some goodies that you can use in your classroom, and please feel free to share on your pages and/or blogs!  There are certainly quite a few great things to grab.  My girl Whitney, aka The CraZy Schoolteacher, has some awesome products marked down for a STEAL!

Enjoy your long 3 day weekend! I know I am looking forward to NO alarm and some sleeping in!

Monday, August 11, 2014

Meet the Teacher {Linky}

Stephanie from Falling into First is hosting a Meet the Teacher Blogger linky party! What a fun way to read about your favorite teacher bloggers and share a little about yourself!

Here's a little about me...

I will be starting my seventh year of teaching, fifth in first grade here in good ole' Indiana. Holy cow, that sounds crazy to say.  I am fortunate enough to work in a great, small corporation with wonderful administrative and parental support.

This is my hubs. We have been dating since the beginning of our junior year. In high school. I had just turned 16 and he 17, so we were pretty much babies.  We've been through a lot in the past 12 years and I could not have asked for a better man to be at my side.  He has a heart of gold and is so hilarious.  Definitely guaranteed to make you smile.
Did I mention we had a brief "fling" in 8th grade? Yeah. How I didn't know he was THE ONE then is still beyond me.

 We love our Purdue Boilermakers!

5 years ago at our wedding

And then of course there is our sweet girl, Kayleigh.

She just turned 3 in June and is a piece of work. We absolutely adore her and I feel like my life is SO complete with her in it! I'm looking forward to SO many more precious memories made with her in the future.

And of course, she likes to Boiler Up and Hammer Down as well.

An all time fav of my sweet family from last fall.

Q: These are a few of my favorite things…
My daughter. Shopping (esp. at Goodwill). Reading. Flair pens. Target. Hobby Lobby. Photography. Blogging. Movies. The beach. Traveling. Cheese. Bread. Both is even better. Cookies. Cupcakes. Netflix. Scandal! Sitting outside at my house-we have 2 acres in the country with a small creek at the back of our property. It's so peaceful.

Q: If you weren’t a teacher, what would you want to be?
A photographer or marine biologist.

Q: Three little words that describe you. 
Perfectionist. Dedicated. Sarcastic.

Q: Finish this sentence, “___________________, said no teacher EVER!!”
It's so great to be back at school. I was really getting tired of sleeping in and enjoying my life.

Q: It’s your birthday and you can invite anyone {dead or alive} to the party. Who are you inviting?
Ellen because we all know she would be a good time.  And my Grandpa Wilcox and Uncle Larry. They both died when I was less than 2 years old so I really didn't get a chance to really know them. I know they were wonderful people and would love to talk to them now.

Q: If someone wrote a book about your life, what would be the title?
3 Dogs and a Family
( I have a rott and two french mastiffs that run my house.)

Q: You get to pick one superpower. What is it?
Okay I seriously was thinking this today! I wish I had the power to create something {anything} in my head and have it print out into real life. Like when I spent hourssss looking for the perfect engagement picture outfits, and I knew exactly what I wanted, but I just couldn't find it anywhere. I would like to use my super power then ;)

Q: What’s your favorite quote or saying?
"Everyone is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind. Always."

Q: If you HAD to sing one song on American Idol, what would it be? 
Well let's just preface this with I know I'm not American Idol material, but if I had to I would probably sing Just the Way You Are by Bruno Mars. Love me some Bruno.

Q: Are you a morning person or a night owl?
Night owl!! I loathe mornings. We aren't friends. 

Q: What’s your favorite resource that you’ve created in your TPT shop?I
It would definitely have to be my Mother's Day Tea unit. It was such a labor of love and is by far my favorite thing that we do all year.  If you want to do something super special for your classroom moms for Mother's Day and give them one of the most memorable, precious experiences of their life then you must do it. It's a lot of work, but is totally worth it.  I promise it'll be the best thing you ever did.

Q: Share something we might not know about you!

I can pop my right hip in and out of socket.  I don't do it very often because I'm sure it's not good on my hips and my mom lectures me every time I do. Nonetheless, I can do it. True story.

Now it's your turn! Visit Stephanie's blog, grab the buttons and the questions and link on up!

Monday, August 4, 2014

Get Your Shop on with the Annual TPT Back to School Sale

Well folks, it's that time of year again. For most of us anyway.  Back to school.  I know my first teacher work day is a week from tomorrow and then the kiddos come back on Wednesday.  I'd be lying if I said I was somewhat ready to go back.  Yes, I will be when 20 new, fresh, bright-eyed faces walk through my door, but I'm just not quite ready for summer to be over.  I've thoroughly enjoyed watching more TV than I can remember for the longest time.  Probably since my summers in high school.

Let's just say Netfllix and I have become super good friends this summer.  I've watched both seasons of Orange in the New Black, all four seasons of The Walking Dead, one season of The Following, and am currently on Season 3 of Lost.  I may or may not have become a little addicted and just could.not.stop once I started watching.

I mean Piper just cracks me up.  

Who knew a zombie apocalypse show could be so good?! 

Kevin Bacon and murder mysteries just equals success in my book.  

And holy Jack in Lost. Whew I'm definitely a Matthew Fox fan. Sawyer isn't too bad himself. 

I'm pretty sure once the school year starts and all of "my shows" begin again I'll be watching something every night.  And honestly, I'm okay with that because that is my release.  It's thoughtless and gets my mind off of all the craziness with school and anything else in my life that is going on.

Since my summer is quickly coming to an end, I wanted to spend these last few weeks just relaxing and trying not to do too much school/TPT stuff.  And that's exactly what I've done. We've gone to the fair, I've done some mommy only outlet shopping, an adult day at the lake with lots of friends, and worked A LOT on the outside of our house that we bought in December. It needed a lot of work and we had to pretty much do all of the landscaping.  It's not done yet, but getting closer and closer.

As I'm sure you all know the TPT annual back to school sale is going on now. I know I'll be moving LOTS of things from my wish list to my cart between today and tomorrow. Hopefully you will be doing the same and getting excited about the new year.  I hope you take the time to look around my store. I've got some great things that would be great to implement for a new year or to prepare for the months to come.

Great 1st day or Open house homework

Organize your library with these bin and book labels

Chevron Color Posters

 Black Color Posters

White Color Posters

Help keep your kiddos organized with all their usernames and passwords for computer lab or computer time in the classroom.

Motivate your kiddos with this extra incentive to learn their weekly spelling words.

Have a running record all in one place of students who have incomplete work.

Classroom Job Cards

Manage math stations with this rotation board in bright colors and primary colors.

Get parents to volunteer in your classroom with the monthly calendars and letters home.

These word sorts are a great practice or review activity.

A great pack to practice spelling words

Punch Cards for Behavior Management

 Monthly Word building pocket chart activity

Word Wall Pennant Headers

Learning all about coins

Boggle Words

Boggle Math

Absent Folders to store work in while student's are gone

Math manipulative labels

Hopefully you find some great deals!  Head over to my store here.  Well, I'm off to watch some more episodes of Lost.  Happy shopping and best of luck to those of you who are returning to school this week!